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40 Book Challenge

While your child may or may not have participated in a 40 book challenge in 4th grade, in fifth grade we take this challenge more seriously.  Every learner is expected to read 40 books at a minimum this school year.  That comes out to 10 books every grading period (9 weeks). While we realize that is a lot of books, we have faith in your children and believe they can do it! We were inspired by the work of a teacher in Keller, Donnalyn Miller.  You can reach her website here: 



Each learner will maintain a 40 Book Challenge folder in which they track the books they have read and their genre requirements.  In fifth grade, we require every learner to read one or two books from each of the 10 genres in order to try out genres they may not be familiar with.  The other 20-30 books are all learner choice, as long as they are at an appropriate reading level for that learner and fall within our 10 genres. This means manga, graphic novels, magazines, and other print material not part of the list below most likely will not count as one of the 40 books.  If your child has a question about a specific book, please have him/her show it to their teacher.  Grades will be taken on completing the appropriate number of books per grading period as well as on their weekly reading logs in their planners and reading response activities. 


Due Dates: 

Reading logged in planner - weekly

Initialed by parent weekly


10 books completed: Oct. 23

20 books completed: Jan 15

30 books completed: March 24

40 books completed: May 20





A genre is a category or type of artistic work.  In our 40 book challenge we will use the following 10 genres:


Poetry                                                                                                Informational/Non-fiction

Traditional Literature (folktales, fables, myths)                                 Mystery

Fantasy                                                                                             Science Fiction

Biography/Autobiography                                                                  Realistic Fiction

Historical Fiction (set at least 40 years in the past)                                                                               Other (Manga, magazines, graphic novels, etc.)                                                            



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