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Wilson fifth graders are fortunate to have access to one-to-one technology in the classroom, and this year we have all new iPad Airs. Learners must keep them in a case at all times.  The district provides a case, but learners have the option to bring one of their own from home.  A keyboard case or a separate bluetooth keyboard is a very useful tool to provide for your child.  


We take your child's online safety very seriously.  We work with learners daily to develop safe and responsible habits. Please use the links below to access more information on this topic.












In fifth grade, your child will be using their iPad daily for classwork, and they will be able to take them home when their teacher feels they are ready to handle that responsibilty.  Please note that CISD-owned iPads are for educational use only.  The iPads are checked out to your child in the same way a library book is, and they are repsonsible for it's safe use and return.  Therefore, we highly recommend purchasing the available insurance, linked above.



Each year all learners review appropriate and responsible use lessons and sign an oath to use their iPads appropriately.  Any learner who chooses to misuse their iPad will lose their privilege to use one, with the length of the technology suspension tailored to the individual circumstannces.  


All learners must have an Apple ID and consent form completed by their parents. 






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